was the first country that accepted Christianity as state religion.Jesus`
apostles preached here.The first Armenian Patriarch Gregory the Illuminator
had a vision that the first Christian church was to be founded in Armenia.In
his dream he saw God`s son coming down from skies with a golden hammer
and pointing at the place of a pagan temple.It was to be called Echmiadzin,
which means the only begotten son came down to earth .Thus in this place
the Echmiadzin Mother church in the IV century was built.
Forty virgins from Byzantium who had adopted Christianity, moved to Armenia and settled in the gardens planted near the city of Echmiadzin.Here they were persecuted and martyred for not renouncing their religion.At the place of their martyrdom Shoghakat, Hripsime and Gayane churches were built.You will meet many Armenian women with these names. Echmiadzin Mother Church is the seat of the Armenian Gregorian church, to which all Armenian bishops throughout the world are subordinate.Once, every 7 years saint miuron( myrrh) is boiled here: it is then distributed to the Armenian churches all over the world. In the museum of the Mother Cathedral, the treasures of Armenian church like various relics, manuscripts, church wealth and gifts from abroad are exhibited. |